
Terms of sale of goods in the Group Order section on the VinVino Market

The Group Order section allows the site user to receive a consignment of goods at a wholesale special price by participating in a collective purchase (Group Order) directly from the Manufacturer / Service Provider. If the Group Order takes place and a certain number of orders are collected, then the price indicated in the lot of the Group Order will be fixed and cannot be changed.

By passing the verification procedure and placing an order on the VinVino Market Website, the Client agrees to the Terms of Sale of Goods (Terms) set forth below.

The Terms govern the relationship between the Client, FN FUSION B.V. (VinVino Market) and Sellers arising in connection with the execution and execution of orders on the Site.

The Terms contain clauses with active hyperlinks to the pages of the Site, which are an integral part of the Terms.

The Terms come into force from the moment they are published on the Site and are valid indefinitely.

VinVino Market may change the Terms at any time unilaterally at its sole discretion without special notice. The changes come into force from the moment the updated version is posted on the Site in the "Useful Links" section.


VinVino Market - FN FUSION B.V., which is the owner of the Site, the Seller or an acting person in relations with the Client on behalf of other Sellers.

Order — the Client's request for the purchase of goods and their delivery.

Client - a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur registered in the manner prescribed by law and using the services of the Site.

Personal Account - the Client's personal page on the Site, containing information about Orders.

Seller — FN FUSION B.V. , or another legal entity or individual entrepreneur indicated as the Seller on the product page, which is the owner of the relevant product.

Website - an information system posted on the website and/or in the VinVino Market mobile application, which provides the Customers with the opportunity to select and purchase goods.

Support Service - VinVino Market employees who provide support to Customers and Sellers on issues.

Goods - food products and transport services presented for sale on the Site.

Account - a personal personal account of the Client, which displays the funds received as an advance payment for the subsequent payment for goods on the Site.

1. Placing an order

1.1. To register on the Site, the Client must fill in information about himself and confirm his e-mail. After that, an employee of VinVino Market will contact the Client

1.2. The Seller is not responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the information provided by the Client during registration.

1.2.3. To place an order, the Client must have enough funds on the balance sheet.

1.2. Conclusion of an agreement

1.2.1. These Conditions, as well as information about the product presented on the Site, are a public offer.

1.2.2. The Client agrees to the Terms of Sale of the selected products by clicking the "Confirm" button during the Group Order for further ordering. The performance of these actions is a fact confirming the conclusion of an agreement between the Client and the Seller.

1.2.3. The relationship between the Client and the Seller is subject to the sale and purchase regulations and other legal acts adopted in accordance with them.

1.2.4.VinVino Market, when concluding an agreement with the Client, acts on behalf of the Seller.

1.2.5. The Client may be subject to the terms of marketing promotions held on the Site and involving the receipt of various bonuses as a reward, unless the terms of the relevant promotion provide otherwise.

1.3. Checkout

1.3.1. To place an order and participate in a Group Order, the Client must register on the Site as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur..

1.3.2. The Client independently books flowers in a Group Order and places an order on the Website or in a mobile application.

1.3.3. Information materials about goods are for reference only and cannot fully convey reliable information about the properties and characteristics of the goods. In case of questions about the properties and characteristics of the goods, before bidding and placing an order, the Client must contact VinVino Market.

1.3.4. Expected delivery date of the order - the period during which the Customer can receive the order. The delivery date depends on the availability of goods, the time required to process the order and the delivery time, and does not directly depend on VinVino Market.

1.3.5. Information about the current status of the order is in the Personal Account.

1.4. Order Cancellation

1.4.1. The order may be canceled by the Seller, VinVino Market or the Client.

If the Client wants to cancel the order, then this can only be done within 30 minutes after placing the order by calling VinVino Market.

1.4.2. The Seller or VinVino Market has the right to cancel the order with the notification of the Client, if the execution of the order by the Seller, VinVino Market has become impossible for reasons beyond the control of the Client, the Seller or VinVino Market in the following cases:

loss of the order during delivery;

in case of detection during the assembly of the order of marriage, re-sorting of the goods and the absence of a copy of the goods of good quality for transfer to the Client;

lack of goods from the Seller for any reason;

the presence of other circumstances preventing the transfer of goods in an agreed manner.

1.4.3. In case of cancellation of the order, All Food Market may individually contact the Client by phone or e-mail e-mail and offer an alternative.

1.4.4. In case of cancellation of the order in whole or in part, the cost of the canceled goods is reflected in the balance of the Client in the personal account. At the request of the Client, funds can be returned to the Client.

2. Payment

2.1. Product price and payment terms

2.1.1. The price of the goods is indicated in USD. on the Site with conversion into rubles at the current bank exchange rate of the dollar to the ruble. Price in USD cannot be changed at the time of making a booking under a Combined Booking. During the Group Order, it is necessary to collect a certain number of orders from Clients in order for the Group Order to take place and the specified price in USD. was fixed. After collecting a certain amount of armor, the price in c.u. is fixed and is not subject to any changes by the Seller, VinVino Market or the Client. The goods in the order are paid in rubles at the current bank rate of the dollar to the ruble according to the following scheme:

- 110% of the order amount is withdrawn from the client's balance at the time of booking the required amount by the Client and pressing the "Confirm" button.

- 90% of the order amount is withdrawn from the client's balance after the Seller has confirmed this order on the website

2.1.2 In the case of pre-holiday Group Order (New Year, March 8, Easter, Christmas, etc.), the Goods in the order are paid according to the following scheme:

- from 50% to 70% (depending on the conditions of the plantations) of the order amount is withdrawn from the client's balance at the time of booking the required amount by the Client and pressing the "Confirm" button.

- the remaining 30% or 50% of the order amount is withdrawn from the client's balance after the Seller has confirmed this order on the website

2.1.3. The price of the goods includes the cost of delivery to the warehouse specified by the Seller, taking into account all customs taxes and fees.

2.1.4. If there are not enough funds on the balance, then the use of the option (section) Group Order and placing an order is impossible until the balance is replenished. To replenish the balance and obtain the necessary documents, the Client should contact the Support Service.

2.1.5. The balance is replenished only after the Client's funds are credited to the VinVino Market (FN FUSION B.V.) account. The maximum amount of a one-time balance replenishment should not exceed 5000 eur. 2.1.6. If it is necessary to return funds from the Seller's current account to the Client's current account and cancel the online balance on the website, the Client must send a written notification to the Seller with a request to return the required amount and indicating the reasons for this return. The seller transfers funds to the buyer's current account with VAT deducted.

3. Delivery

3.1. Delivery of goods to the Client is carried out to the specified warehouse of VinVino Market. By agreement with the Client and for an additional fee, the goods can be delivered to the indicated address of the Client. Delivery of goods in several batches is allowed.

3.3. VinVino Market will make every effort to comply with the delivery times indicated on the Site. Delays in delivery are possible due to unforeseen circumstances that occurred through no fault of VinVino Market or the Seller. VinVino Market is not responsible for the losses and expenses of the Client related to the violation of the delivery time.

3.4. The risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to the goods passes to the Client from the moment the order is transferred to him. In case of non-delivery of the order, VinVino Market shall reimburse the Client for the cost of the order prepaid by the Client and delivery after receiving confirmation of the loss of the order from the carrier.

3.7. Upon delivery, the order is handed over to the person indicated as the recipient of the order, or to another person authorized by the Client to receive the Order.

3.8. In order to avoid cases of fraud, as well as to fulfill the obligations assumed, upon delivery of the order, the person delivering the Order has the right to request an identity document of the recipient, as well as indicate the type and number of the document provided by the recipient on the receipt for the order, as well as the power of attorney from the Client . VinVino guarantees the confidentiality and protection of the recipient's personal information. In the absence of these documents, the goods are not transferred, while the delivery service will be considered rendered.

3.9. The client is obliged to accept the order in terms of the number of trade units and assortment at the time of its transfer and within 24 hours from the receipt of the order to check its quality.

3.10. After the arrival of the goods at the warehouse indicated by VinVino Market, the Client undertakes to receive the order within 72 hours after the receipt of the notification of the arrival of the goods. Non-receipt of the order within the specified period is considered the Customer's withdrawal from the sales contract and is the basis for the cancellation of the order by the Seller. In this case, the prepaid amount for the order is not returned to the Client.

Universal Transfer Document (UTD).

3.11. The Client has the right to send a request to the Support Service for the provision of original supporting documents in writing or via EDM. VinVino Market will send the specified documents within 5 (five) business days from the receipt of the request from the Client. When sending a request, the Client is obliged to indicate the e-mail to which it is necessary to provide a response to the request.

4.Return of goods

4.1. Return of goods of good quality after receiving it is not provided.

4.2. Return of goods of inadequate quality

4.2.1. The Client has the right to return the goods of inadequate quality to the Seller and demand a refund of the amount paid within 24 hours from the date of receipt of the order in case of detection of obvious defects.

4.2.2. The Seller is responsible for the defects of the goods, if the Customer proves that the defects of the goods arose before its transfer to the Customer or for reasons that arose before that moment.

4.2.3. If a product of inadequate quality is found in the order, the Client is obliged to make a claim indicating the number and amount of the order, attach a photo of the damaged product and send it to the Support Service, indicating the grounds on which the Client considers the product to be of poor quality.

4.3. Violation of the terms of the assortment

4.3.1. If a product is found in the order that does not correspond to the ordered assortment (an error in the description, re-sorting, another product in the order, incompleteness), the Client has the right to refuse the product and demand a replacement for a product in the assortment provided for by the order, or demand a refund for actually not transferred goods within 24 hours of receipt of the order.

4.3.2. The goods transferred to the Client in violation of the terms of the assortment shall be returned to the Seller.

4.3.3. Replacement of goods that do not correspond to the order according to the assortment is carried out by placing a new order.

4.3.4. If it is impossible to replace the goods, the Seller notifies the Client about this by sending a message to the Personal Account, email address or phone number specified by the Client during registration. The funds actually paid for the undelivered goods are returned to the Client in the manner prescribed by the Terms.

4.4. Violation of the conditions on quantity

4.4.1 The client is obliged to check the quantity of goods in the order during the acceptance and transfer of goods. After signing the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate, claims for the quantity of goods are not accepted.

4.4.2. If the Seller handed over to the Customer a smaller quantity of goods than specified in the order (underinvestment), the Customer has the right to accept the goods in the part corresponding to the order and demand to transfer the missing quantity of goods, or to refuse the order in the part of the missing goods and demand a refund for the missing goods.

4.4.3. The transfer of the missing goods is carried out by placing a new order as agreed by the parties - by the Seller or the Client, subject to the provision of the Shortage Certificate by the Client.

4.4.4. If it is impossible to transfer the missing goods, the Seller notifies the Client about this by sending a message to the Personal Account or to the email address specified by the Client during registration. The funds actually paid for the untransferred goods are returned in the manner prescribed by the Terms.

4.4.5 The returned funds are reflected on the client's balance in the Personal Account and can be used by the Client to pay for subsequent orders.

5. Claims

5.1. In the event that the goods are received at the Seller's warehouse and any discrepancy is found in quantity and quality, the claim is made by the Client on the spot. If the Client picks up the goods, signs the act of acceptance and transfer, and then sends a claim, then this claim is not accepted by the Seller.

5.2. If the goods are delivered by the Seller to the specified address of the Client, the claim for the quantity and quality of the goods must be sent to the Seller's address within 24 hours from the receipt of the goods.

5.3. The seller informs about the decision on the claim within 3 (working) days after receiving this claim.

6. Fine:

6.1. The client can cancel the order without penalty within 60 minutes after clicking the "Confirm" button by contacting the VinVino Market Support Service in writing or by phone.

6.2. If the Client cancels the order 60 minutes after pressing the "Confirm" button, then 30% of the total amount of the order is deducted from his balance.

6.3. If the Client cancels the order when the order is already on the way, then 60% of the total amount of the order is deducted from the Client's balance.

6.4. If the Client cancels a pre-holiday Group Order (New Year, March 8, Easter, Christmas, etc.) 60 minutes after clicking the "Confirm" button, then VinVino Market has the right to withhold the entire prepayment amount specified in clause 2.1. 2 of these Terms.

7. Intellectual property

7.1. Интеллектуальная собственность

7.1.1. All textual information and graphics on the Site are the property of VinVino Market.

7.2. Warranties and liability

7.2.1. VinVino Market and the Seller are not liable for damage caused to the Client due to improper use of the goods ordered on the Site.

7.2.3. VinVino Market has the right to assign or otherwise transfer its rights and obligations arising from its relationship with the Client to third parties.

7.2.4. VinVino Market is not responsible for losses that the Client may incur as a result of the fact that his phone number has become the property of another person, including as a result of a long (from 3 months) non-use of such a phone number by the Client.

7.2.5. VinVino Market is not responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the information provided by the Client during registration.

7.2.6. VinVino Market is not responsible for the Seller's failure to provide or provision of false information or documents confirming the quality of the goods.

7.3. Communication and other conditions

7.3.1. VinVino Market or the Seller shall send notifications and messages to the Client at the email address specified during registration.

7.3.2. In case of any questions, the Client must contact the Seller's Customer Service at, or send a message through the Site in the "Contacts" section.

7.3.3. VinVino Market's responses to the Client's requests and claims are recognized as sent in the proper form if they are sent to the Client's email address specified during registration.

7.3.4. All arising disputes of the parties will be resolved through negotiations, if an agreement is not reached, the dispute will be referred to the judicial authority in accordance with applicable law.

7.3.5. Recognition by the court of the invalidity of any provision of the Terms and Conditions does not entail the invalidity of the remaining provisions.